Improve Skin Surface of Cellulitis with Endopeel
Endopeel can improve the results of the skin surface of cellulitis from stade 0 to stade 2 ( orange skin)
The skin surface is improved after Endopeel as shown on the picture
The perimeter of the thigh has decreased too
The skin looks as if it was ironed
There is too a lifting effect if you compare the 2 thighs: the treated one looks higher than the controlateral untreated one.
We have so 3 effects : lifting, tightening,and skin ironing.
Such study has been made by Dr.Maurizio Ceccarelli
Dr.Maurizio Ceccarelli has demonstrated that the gradual fibrosclerosis provoked by ENDOPEEL from Stade o to Stade 2 ( orange skin) in CELLULITE determinates a functional and an aesthetic improvement on hypotonic tissues.
Stade 0 :No alteration of skin surface
Stade 1 : Alteration of Skin Surface
Stade 2 : Orange Skin
Main Causes of Cellulitis
Larger adipocytes with low lipolytic responsiveness.
Alterations of connective tissue
Irregular dermo subcutaneous interface
Metabolic alterations
Increasing of ACE gene
Decreasing of HIF1A gene
Decreasing of Adiponectin mRNA