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Quali risultati puoi attenderti dopo il primo workshop ?

Parte destra del viso trattata
right hemiface treated by Dr.Raul Flores
  • Workshop realizzato a Monterrey (Messico) 2023
  • Organizzato da Dr.Pedro Galo-Collegio sull`Anti-Invecchiamento©
  • Insegnanti : Dr.Ulises Arellano & Dr.Alain Tenenbaum
1 to 1 workshop

Workshop Privato per Singolo Medico

worldmap workshops

Lista dei Workshops nel mondo

beginners program endopeel

Programma Ideale di Workshop per chi inizia. 


Workshop per Esperti

Workshop per Ginecologi

endopeel material per table for a workshop

Materiale & Lista Richiesta per un Workshop di Endopeel

Esempi di Quantità media di Prodotto per ciascuna indicazione 

Con 1 flaconcino di 10 ml si puo trattare 2 visi completi


Con 1 flaconcino si possono trattare 

Con 2 flaconcini ( 1 scatola) possono essere trattate

  • le flaccidità bracchiali
  • i pettorali maschili
  • la proiezione dei bicipiti
  • i glutei femminili in versione completa

If you think education is expensive, you should try the cost of ignorance

Se pensi che l`educazione sia costosa, dovresti provare il  costo dell`ignoranza
 (Neil)- tradotto da Mauro Tiziani

Nel caso in qui hai bisogno di piu informazioni o vuoi solo darci un feedback, potete contattarci

Frequently Asked Questions

What is recommended to bring?

Your gloves according to your own size and a gown.

What should I do when I get sick?

The workshop cant be refunded to you but you have 2 solutions :
- find another colleague to replace you or
- come to another workshop without paying it 

Should I use cash money or credit cards to buy material during the workshop?

Cash money only in €, CHF, US$

Which languages are spoken during the workshop?

english, deutsch, francais, italiano, espanol with the Inventors

Will I get an invoice for the material bought during the workshop?

An invoice will be done so that you have no problems with the customs. Bring too a medical receipt.

Is only handluggage if I fly back home recommended?

YES. Only in the case you buy material on place.

Do I get a discount if I buy material during the Workshop ?

YES like 10%

Will I get my certificate during the Workshop?

  • If you send the Organizator at least 15 days before the workshop all your datas, your certificate of participation will be ready.
  • Otherwise it will be sent after the workshop by letter and/or E Mail

2 Certificates during the Workshop

  • One certificat of attestation if you were present COMPLETELY during the workshop without missing 1 hour .
  • One certificate of ability, valid just 6 months to 1 year if you didnt make too many mistakes during the workshop. This certificate has to be revalidated each year.

Yearly Revalidation of the Certificate of Ability

Not trained medical doctors loose competence beeing still specialists.Physicians arent dangerous if recertificated and earn then competence.

Get your recertification

How to be Registered in the Endopeel Board Certified Worldwide Specialists

You need to

  • show us your certificate of ability valid 
  • create an account
  • once the account is created and approved by us, go to login and fill all mandatory fields.

What happens if I didnt get after workshop my ability certificate

You may be authorized just to practise some indications and we will send an ability certificate to you with the indications you are allowed to perform.

then you have the possibility to participate again to another workshop just for the indications you didnt perform correctly at the 1st workshop in better conditions or you can follow your local trainer a while.